Why the threat of ISIL is exaggerated?
Interview with Il Manifesto califfato, Iraq, Isis, Medio Oriente, Salah al-Nasrawi, sciiti, Siria, Stato islamico, sunniti
Analysis: Here is how to beat ISIL in Iraq
Five Iraqi political and military analysts outline the strategy to defeat ISIL.
Interview with Italian newspaper Ilmanifesto: How conflicts will change Middle East maps
Interview with Al-Ahram Hebdo
Salah Nasrawi : L’entrée de Daech à Bagdad entraînera un bain de sang
Salah Nasrawi, écrivain et analyste politique iraqien estime que l’Iran apportera un soutien important au régime chiite actuellement en place en Iraq.
Speaking about IS in The Eyes of Truth talk-show Egypt’s 1st Channel Dec. 29, 2014
Intervie with Italian Nena news
Interview with the Cairo Al-Akhbar newspaper
Speaking on BBC Alexandria Dialogue Forum
With Libyan TV Al Naba’